Results 18 items (0.075 seconds) |
List of items | Last update |
Technical Documentation, JSS 0251 | Code and Pixels Img JSS 25 (JSS 251) is a defense documentation standard that ensures uniformity in ... | 11/06 00:08 |
IETM - Interactive Electronic Technical Manual | IETM Development Img An IETM, also known as an Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP), is a ... | 11/05 23:38 |
IETM Software & CBT| E-learning Design and Development |Interactive ... Img **Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Pvt. Ltd.** ... | 11/05 07:26 |
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Level 4 Software Uses | ... Img Two types of individuals will use IETM software. Users and Administrator. Let’s ... | 10/30 03:29 |
IETM Level 4 Software Requirements - Code and Pixels. Img The IETM Level 4 software requirements are intended to provide the specialized ... | 10/19 04:40 |
S1000D - Code and pixels. Img S1000D is the European standard of technical publications or technical ... | 10/16 06:03 |
Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals. Img **Code and Pixels** ... | 10/15 02:49 |
S1000D | Why Do We Need it and How Does it Work | Code and Pixels. Img S1000d is not new but very few Indian companies, which support documentation of ... | 10/08 02:31 |
IETM for beginners - A Quick Guide to JSG 0852. Img The main objective of this page is to give a brief overview of IETM Software ... | 10/05 05:09 |
Technical 3D Animation Capability of Code & Pixels. Img Code and Pixels is a pioneer in creating 3D Animations for describing a process in ... | 10/04 05:26 |
E-Content development. Img At C&P, we believe that great training begins with great content. C&P provides ... | 10/03 07:09 |
IETM-Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, JSG-0852-2001 Img Code and Pixels, IETM stands for Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Services ... | 09/30 02:56 |
What is S1000d Img S1000D is an Interactive Electronic Technical Publishing IETP. It's also known as ... | 09/27 02:21 |
Inputs That Are Required to Make IETM Level-4 Img What do we, Code and Pixels need to make IETM Level -4? Inputs that are required to ... | 09/24 03:02 |
IETM | Design Development Implementation Deployment and Training Process Img Code and Pixels is an CBT and IETM development company delivered 25 projects. ... | 09/20 03:25 |
Inputs That Are Required to Make IETM Level-4 Img What do we, Code and Pixels need to make IETM Level -4? Inputs that are required to ... | 09/18 02:05 |
S1000D-IETM-IETP / Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Pvt ltd Img Not exactly new, but surely it’s a new word in the Indian Defense Technical ... | 09/13 06:34 |
E-learning, content Development, CBT desiging Company in Hyderabad | ... Img E learning content development company and software solutions in Hyderabad is ... | 09/09 09:46 |